I can almost guarantee that if you have lived long enough, sooner or later you will face a situation in life that seems impossible.  You will view a situation that in all your humanness you see it as impossible to be true, impossible to solve and impossible to go on. JEREMIAH 32: 17   “AH, LORD … More LET’S TRUST GOD WITH OUR IMPOSSIBLES


It’s in the waiting that refines your patience.  It’s in the listening that refines your ear to hear what needs to be heard.  It’s in the praying that refines your character and builds your relationship with GOD growing closer to HIM.  And it’s in the frustration that we learn all of this lesson due to … More HABAKKUK THOUGHTS


If you are like me………you don’t enjoy pain.  Pain can be physical, mental and spiritual.  There is a deep pain that happens within us that can be far more damaging than we can imagine, but only if we allow it.  GOD has us in HIS perfect provision, but often we need to wrestle honestly with … More HONEST WRESTLING


So here we are with a New Year and New beginnings.  I don’t know about you, but these days right after Christmas and New Years can bring me down.  As much as I know and trust GOD for new beginnings, it’s the uncertain that gets me. And then there is the dailyness of it all!  … More SUNDAY REFLECTIONS


I have a sweet and wonderful friend who tells me each morning that she is “sipping and thinking of me.”  We started with this endearing text exchange with one another quite a while ago and we still do it.  Just knowing she is sipping her coffee and reading her devotions makes me feel that she … More SUNDAY REFLECTIONS


IF………..it’s such a little word and yet put on the beginning of a sentence or exclamation it can mean so much!  SMALL WORD……..BIG IMPLICATIONS! If can mean: in the event that or on the assumption that or on condition that.  It can be used as a function word to introduce an exclamation expressing a wish.  … More IF