Oh, how our ways and our actions can go south on us and we  become wayward.  The word wayward means this:  following one’s own capricious, wanton, or depraved inclinations. Due to our sin condition, we truly are depraved compared to our HOLY GOD.   ROMANS 1: 28   “FURTHERMORE, JUST AS THEY DID NOT THINK IT WORTHWHILE TO … More OH THAT OUR ACTIONS…….


A friend of mine and I were chatting over coffee about how right it is to “brag” if you will say, about what we have done for others as Christians.  And she said something that was so good……. WHAT IS DONE IN SECRET FEELS SO RIGHT. We all I am sure, know that kind of … More DO IN SECRET


If you haven’t yet, I encourage you today to turn to JESUS CHRIST. Simply come……. MATTHEW 11: 28   “COME TO ME, ALL WHO LABOR AND ARE HEAVY LADEN, AND I WILL GIVE YOU REST.” Honestly why do we try in our own strength to carry such a heavy load that we were never meant to carry?  Our … More SIMPLY COME


May your heart be right today.  We all have a sin condition and it always starts with our heart.  I recently read this in my Swindoll study Bible: WHEN YOUR HEART IS RIGHT, YOUR FEET ARE SWIFT FOR GOD. So we may be checking off the boxes of Christian things to do like Bible Study, … More SUNDAY REFLECTIONS


Those who love and honor and obey GOD know that HE is always there…….watching over our shoulders.  When HE does HE looks at the heart of the person…….. HEBREWS 11: 6   “WITHOUT FAITH IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO PLEASE HIM, FOR HE WHO COMES TO GOD MUST BELIEVE THAT HE IS AND THAT HE IS A … More AN AUDIENCE OF ONE