We don’t see all things the way GOD does.  We only have a limited understanding of our world around us.  We learn and grow by what we see and hear.  But GOD is working in the spiritual realm, all for our benefit: 2 CORINTHIANS 4: 18   “…….AS WE LOOK NOT TO THE THINGS THAT ARE … More OUR LIMITED UNDERSTANDING


We really do have all we need.  If you are in CHRIST, you have all you need.  Did you know? The world tells us we need more and more.  But striving for the world’s stuff and philosophies will leave you discontented and unhappy.  They are dead ends.  But if JESUS is your LORD and your … More SUNDAY REFLECTIONS

It’s A Given

It’s a given that no matter how hard we try to do things right or say the right thing, in our own strength, we will fail.  So the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak!  And it’s a given that we as human beings doubt, we doubt GOD and HIS goodness for us.  We … More It’s A Given


I don’t know about you, but I woke up weary this morning.  We all have days like this, days where it takes every ounce of our being to just get out of bed.  But then I read this in my devotional this morning from OSWALD CHAMBERS:  “IT IS A POSITIVE CRIME TO BE WEAK IN … More SUNDAY REFLECTIONS


I recently read this quote by Paul David Tripp in his devotional book entitled:  New Morning Mercies……. “WHATEVER CONTROLS THE WORSHIP OF YOUR HEART CONTROLS YOUR CHOICES, WORDS, EMOTIONS, AND ACTIONS.” Our hearts worship and tend to love something.  We can get obsessed about an idea, a person, place or thing.  It seems to be … More SUNDAY REFLECTIONS


Now that Easter has come and gone we must decide if we receive the resurrection or reject it.  And how do we live going forward?  Do we tell others or keep all of what JESUS did to ourselves? Because the resurrection was the best news in all of history.  Our GOD came down in love, … More NOW GO TELL